We Need a Fighter Willing to Stand Up to Special Interests, Government Waste, and Even Our Governor: We Need David Liu!

My name is Olivia, a volunteer with David Liu for Assembly 2024. Allow me a moment to talk with you about California, our home.
California has the HIGHEST gas taxes, income taxes, sales taxes and vehicle registration fees in the country. Our electricity bills are more than double the national average, K-12 public education is failing our children and crime continues to skyrocket - CA just isn't what it used to be.
All because of bad bills approved by the California Legislature and our Governor. The biggest supporter being our own Assemblymember Mike Fong - THE ONLY LAWMAKER TO NEVER VOTE NO (1).
Let me also tell you about Mike Fong’s voting record - a record he won’t tell you about, himself.
He has a D- voting record with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association (2), a 0 voting record with the California Chamber of Commerce (3), and votes with our small, independent businesses only 18% of the time (4).
Mike Fong is a failing politician because he has never met a bad bill he didn't like, and has voted yes to every single tax and fee increase without objection or question. No matter what side of the aisle you are on - Democrat, Republican or Independent, conservative or liberal - he has made California unaffordable for everyone. Even our phone bills, electronic cigarettes and our means of self defense are not spared from runaway taxation.
In just 2 years, Mike Fong has voted YES 9,389 times:
He voted YES to allow Los Angeles County to raise your sales taxes another 1/2 percent above the State limit.
He voted YES to extend, for 12 years, a tax on your auto registration to fund electric cars.
He voted YES to wanting to add a vehicle weight fee to your passenger car, just like commercial trucks.
He voted YES to wanting to add a mileage tax to every car - wanting to charge you for each trip to the grocery store, visit to family and drive to work.
Mike Fong also sits on the Banking and Finance, Budget and Appropriations committees in the Assembly. During his leadership on those committees:
He wasted a $100 BILLION surplus. Now the State has a $30 BILLION deficit this year, and will have another $30 BILLION deficit next year. That doesn't even include CA’s $145 BILLION in mounting debt!
Just recently, California borrowed $20 BILLION from the Federal Government to cover the cost of rampant and unchecked unemployment fraud.
How do you think they are going to pay for all this? - Mike Fong is going to raise your taxes.
How do we know this? - Because Mike Fong NEVER votes no.
We cannot afford Mike Fong!
We need David Liu – A fighter willing to stand up to special interests, government waste and even our Governor.
Voting is currently underway and, if you want change, we need to start by changing those that make the decisions!
Learn More:
(1) https://calmatters.org/politics/2024/10/fong-california-legislative-voting-assembly/
(2) https://www.ocregister.com/2023/12/23/santa-jarvis-naughty-and-nice-list/
(3) https://advocacy.calchamber.com/policy/bill-tracking/legislator-vote-record/
(4) https://www.nfib.com/content/nfib-in-my-state/california/report-card-time-on-california-lawmakers/