Assemblyman Mike Fong: California's "Yes Man" for Bad Bills!
The ONLY Lawmaker to Never Vote No

Rubberstamping every single bill that has put the 49th’s taxpayers, families, citizens, students, small businesses, veterans, and seniors last.
Bills that have turned our justice system upside down - putting criminals over victims.
Bills that allow the State to usurp parents' roles in their children’s healthcare and education - allowing courts and bureaucrats to tear healthy families apart.
Bills that continuously increase taxes, fees, and assessments - making California unaffordable for everyone.
Bills that have replaced a high-quality education with special interest ideologies and race quotas - graduating students unable to read, write, or perform basic math.
Bills that have grown California's debt to $145 BILLION - putting special interests and government waste over taxpayers.
These are just a few examples of the realities we face each and every day as California residents, and are the direct consequences of statewide legislation BLINDLY championed and sponsored by my opponent, Mike Fong. Hundreds of Bills during Mike Fong's four-year tenure signed by the Governor, whose only purposes are to make it harder to keep your small business open, make it harder to find a job, make it harder to get into college, hand your hard-earned dollars to law breakers over veterans, seniors and in-need Californians, and, ultimately, to dilute the power of your vote at the ballot box.
In fact, Mike Fong has earned the distinction of being the only member of the California Assembly to have the highest number of yes votes on record – a majority of which do not reflect the interests and values of the 49th’s families, and many that were even too radical for our Governor.
What does it say when those we elect to represent our interests can look us in the face and vote contrary to the overwhelming sentiment held by the communities they represent? We need resident-centered representation in Sacramento. As a private citizen, I have already established a proven record of collaboration with local residents, businesses, news outlets and community organizations to elevate our voices, maximize our collective power and ensure that our Governor knows how the 49th really stands on important issues.
The 49th doesn't need a yes man; we need a fighter with a collaborative spirit who is ready, willing, and able to challenge the status quo and stand up against injustice. With a vote for me, David Liu, your needs, concerns, and interests will always be at the top of my agenda!
Send me to Sacramento, and I'll put a stop to Mike Fong's bad bills!
Best regards,
Long David Liu
Candidate for Assembly District 49